Welcome to the Department of American Culture and Literature

Established in 1982, the Department of American Culture and Literature of Hacettepe University was the first department of American Studies in Turkey. The courses offered in the Department focus on the cultural, literary, historical, intellectual, social, artistic and political aspects of the USA and how these have developed through the history until the present. The objective of the Department is to follow an interdisciplinary approach in order to make the students develop a critical insight into various literary and cultural products.


We commemorate the founder of our republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, with deep respect and gratitude on the 85th anniversary of his passing.
10.11.2023 07:00
We are Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic Click for zoom link
22.10.2023 06:00
19.09.2023 09:00
Dear Graduates of 2023,
As the bright youth of Atatürk's Turkey, you will enjoy the privilege of graduating from Turkey’s strongest and most well-established department of American Culture and Literature. Having now acquired the professional knowledge and moral values that you have gained at Hacettepe, you will soon undertake important duties and responsibilities. We firmly believe that you will contribute to our country’s progress through your productivity of reason.
20.07.2023 14:00
To the attention of applicants for master’s degree in American Culture and Literature!
On June 29, 2022 at 09:20, the applicants are to be present in the classroom B8/204 located in the student corridor of the department.
27.06.2022 20:00
To the Attention of applicants for the PhD program in American Culture and Literature!
The written exam will be held on 29 June 2022 at 10:00 in the classroom B8/203 located in the department student corridor. The applicants are to be present at the classroom 10 minutes prior to the allocated time for the written exam. The interview will take place on 30 June 2022 at 10:00 in the Seminar Room at the department.
27.06.2022 20:00
The exemption exam for BEB 650 (Basic Information and Communication Technologies course) has been postponed to February 1st, 2022. The exam will be conducted face-to-face in classroom B8/204 between 18:00-19:00 on the specified date.
03.02.2022 09:12
Announcement on Make-up Exams
The Make-up exams, that will be held on January 24 - 25, 2022, have been postponed to January 31 - February 1, 2022 due to weather conditions. Previously determined exam times remain unchanged.
03.02.2022 09:10
Petitions for “Double Major Applications, Minor Applications, Elective Course Removals, Three Course Exams, Course Add/Drop, Registration Freeze Applications/Leave of Absence" have been added to the STUDENTS tab on the Left Menu...
03.02.2022 09:06