
“Amerika ve Türkiye’de Kadın” (Canan Güllü) (11 December 2020)

“The Goodells: Toward a Global History of a Missionary Family” (Dr. Owen Miller) (20 November 2019)

"Conspicuously Invisible: American Strategies in Canonized Literature, Film and Popular Culture" (Prof. Dr. Yusuf Eradam) (20 Nov. 2018)

"English through Adbusting: How to Learn a Language and Culture through a Country's Ads" (David Fay) (9 Mar. 2018)

“Breaking the Rules: A Performance-Lecture on Visual and Sound Poetry” (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johann Pillai) (16 Mar. 2017)

“Steampunk: Mapping a Contemporary Subculture in America” (Dr. Gordon Marshall) (8 Dec. 2016)

“A Complicated Democracy: Explaining the 2016 US Elections” (Dr. Joseph Yackley) (11 Oct. 2016)

“Border Crossing at an Angle: Humor in Chicano/a Literature and Culture” (Dr. Santiago Vaquera-Vasquez) (26 Nov. 2013)

“Science Fiction, Philip K. Dick’s Blade Runner, and the (Mis)reading of Alien Minds” (Prof. Dr. Nicholas Pagan) (24 May 2013)

“Toward Consilient Ecocriticism: Science, Literary Criticism, and the Quest for Meaningful Interdisciplinarity” (Prof. Dr. Scott Slovic) (7 May 2013)

“The Vietnam War as Represented in American Poetry” (Prof. Dr. Adi Wimmer) (10 Apr. 2013)

“The New Screen Violence” (Prof. Dr. Robert Cardullo) (26 Nov. 2012)

“The US Election System and the Campaign of 2012” (Dr. Danny Hayes) (5 Oct. 2012)

“American Economy” (Laird Treiber) (7 Dec. 2011)

“Westward Expansion and the Integration of Mexican California into the Union” (Mark Mineo) (12 May 2011)

Oturan Boğanın İzinde Belgesel ve Yönetmeni Ece Soydam ile Söyleşi” (1 Apr. 2011)

“The Unravelling of Professional Journalism in the U.S.” (Robert Long) (7 Apr. 2010)

“Improbable and Empathy: My Literary Career So Far” (Adam Fawer) (5 Nov. 2009)  

“Roots, Race and the Return to Philology” (Geoffrey Harpham) (4 May 2009)

“What is so American about American Cinema? Clues to Reading a Film” (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karin Badt) (10 Apr. 2009)

“Think Anew, Act Anew: Abraham Lincoln and the Definition of American Citizenship” (Prof. Dr. Brooks Simpson) (17 Feb. 2009)

“Perceptions of America: Evolution of Pro-and Anti-Americanism in Turkish Newspapers, Songs, Novels, Comics and Movies” (Dr. Zafer Parlak) (18 Dec. 2008)

“Adapting the Republic’s Founding Texts: How E Pluribus Unum and The Declaration of Independence Changed Over Time” (Gert Buelens) (17 Oct. 2008)

“The Space at the End of the Road” (David Espey) (28 Apr. 2008)

“Native American Storytelling” (Rose Red Elk) (18 Apr. 2008)

“How Alexis de Tocqueville Can Help Us to Understand the World-Wide Appeal of American Popular Music” (Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck) (29 Nov. 2007)

“Amerika’da Türkler” (Tülin Sertöz) (17 May 2007)

“So What is the American Way” (Prof. Dr. Louis Mazzari) (5 Mar. 2007)

“African Americans, American Sports, and the Globalization of Popular Culture” (Dr. Gerald Early) (23 Feb. 2007)

“Patriot Act? America’s Search for Domestic Subversion in the 1950s and Today” (Tim Roberts) (22 Mar. 2006)

“Travel and the Imagination” (Paul Theroux) (16 Mar. 2006)

“Chicana! How Women Artists Gave a Face to a Generation” (Yolanda M. Lopez) (8 Dec. 2005)

“Tiyatro Oyuncusu Olmak” (Ünsal Çoşar) (21 Apr. 2005)

“Bu Çağın Okuru” (Yrd. Doç. Dr. Levent Aysever) (12 Apr. 2005)

“Who Could Come, Who Could Stay? American Immigration Policy in Historical Perspective” (John Grabowski) (14 Mar. 2005)

“AB ve ABD arasında Türk Dış Politikası” (Doç. Dr. Çağrı Erhan) (6 Jan. 2005)

“Amerika ve Jaz Tarihi” (Durul Gence) (24 Dec. 2004)

“The Big Questions in Front of Turkey: An American View” (John Kustadter) (17 Dec. 2004)

“Writing and Publishing in the South Pacific from an Indigenous Perspective” (Dr. Cathie Dunsford) (2 Nov. 2004)

“New York! Hip! Hooray! Theodore Roosevelt and New York City” (Dr. Edward P. Kohn) (6 May 2004)

“John Dewey Revisited Democracy in America Today” (Dennis Bryson) (16 Apr. 2004)

“My Love Affair with a Disreputable Genre” (Carol De Boer-Langworthy) (24 Mar. 2004)

“The American Image and American Literature in the World” (Engin Sezer) (24 Feb. 2004)

“Challenging America: The Geopolitics of Cola” (Dr. Scott Pound) (12 Dec. 2003)

“Mexican Perceptions on the United States” (Dr. Jesus Velasco) (18 Nov. 2003)

“Amerika’nın Yeni Dünya Düzeni” (Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın) (25 Mar. 2003)

“The Remasculation of America? The Vietnam War as an Icon of American Manhood” (Thomas Winter) (13 May 2002)

“Türk Amerikan İlişkilerinin Mantıksal Çerçevesinde” (Dr. Çağrı Erhan) & “Soğuk Savaş Döneminde Türk Edebiyatında Amerika İmgesi” (Yrd. Doç. Dr. Barış Gümüşbaş) (11 Apr. 2002)

“Rhetorical Terrorism: Or, The Fine Art of Failing to Make Distinctions” (Matthew Gumpert) (20 Mar. 2002)

“The Mormon Subculture in America” (John W. Dinkelman) (6 Dec. 2001)

“The Myth of the Vampire in Literature and Film” (Prof. Dr. Victoria Amador) (12 Nov. 2001)

“Time and Revolution in African America: Temporality and the History of Atlantic Slavery” (Dr. Walter Johnson) (21 May 2001)

“Constructing Housewives: US in the Postwar Years” (Prof. Dr. Valerie Begley) (8 May 2001)

“Why Did Edna Pontellier Commit Suicide?” (Assist. Prof. Dr. Dianne Bunch) (9 Apr. 2001)

“Autobiography: The Heart of American Literature” (Prof. Dr. Eileen Lundy) (14 Mar. 2001)

“Wanted and Unwanted: An Overview of American Immigration Policy” (Dr. John Grabowski) (27 Oct. 2000)

“American Poetry” (Robert Creely) (1992)