Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayça Germen


Telefon: +90 (312) 297 85 15 / 128


PhD: Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University, 1999.                

MA: Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University, 1991.

BA: Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University, 1987.

Areas of Interest and Teaching:

Modern American Poetry, Literary Criticism, Comparative Literature

Selected Publications:

Germen, Z. Ayça. “Birinci Dünya Savaşı ve Amerikan Şiiri,” Edebiyatta Savaşın Yansımaları. Ed. Prof. Dr. Deniz Bozer. Ankara: Hacettepe Uniersity, 2014, 41-63. Print.

---. "Language Poetry and the Problem of the Subject." Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24.1 (2007): 69-82. Frankofoni 18.1 (2006): 465-476.

---. "Restraint and Pressure in Thinking and Expression: The Poems of Dickinson and Creeley." Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 22.2 (2005): 203-213.

---. “’Silence Is All We Dread’: Emily Dickinson and the Redemptive Power of Speech.” Shadows that Stalk: Representations of Fear in American Culture and Literature, 24-25 October 2002, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, ed. Bilge Mutluay Çetintaş, Şafak, 2002.

Conference Presentations

---. “The Legacy of Robert Duncan: The New Gnostic Poetry.” Word and Mystery: Elements of Christian Mysticism in Contemporary Poetry, from Baudelaire to Present. 6-7 October 2016, Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile. Conference Presentation.          

---. “Howl in İstanbul.” Second International Conference on Language, Literature and Community, 21-22 February 2015, International Center For Research, Bhubaneshwar, India. Conference Presentation.

--. “The World Reconstructed through Dreams: Ursula LeGuin’s The Lathe of Heaven.” American Fantasies and Dreams. 2014, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey. Conference Presentation.     

---. “The Act of Resistance in Ursula LeGuin’s ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.’” 14th International Cultural Studies Symposium: Confinement, Resistance, Freedom, 08-10 May 2013, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey. Conference Presentation.                                      

---. “’Silence Is All We Dread’: Emily Dickinson and the Redemptive Power of Speech.” Shadows that Stalk: Representations of Fear in American Culture and Literature, 24-25 October 2002, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Conference Presentation.