E-mail: meldant@hacettepe.edu.tr
Phone: +90 (312) 297 85 15 / 115
PhD: Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University, 1988.
MA: Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University, 1982.
BA: Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, 1979.
Areas of Interest and Teaching:
Ethnic Literatures (Native American, Asian American, Hispanic American and African American), New Journalism, Biography, American Novel, Mythology.
Selected Publications:
Tanrısal, Meldan and Tanfer Emin Tunç. Eds. The Health of The Nation. Heidelberg: Universitatlag, 2014.
---.“Immigration and Wendy Law-Yone’s The Coffin Tree: A Novel." Europe Facing Inter-Asian Cultural, Literary, Historical And Political Situations. Eds. Lina Unali and Elisabetta Marino. Rome: UniversItalia, 2014.
---. Gizem Dolu Yaşamlar: Çinli Amerikalı Edebiyatı ve Amy Tan. Ankara: Ürün Yayınları, 2012.
---.“The Works of Amy Tan: Can a Bestseller Enter the Canon?” Positioning the New:Chinese American Literature and the Changing Images of the American Literary Canon. Eds. Tanfer Emin Tunç and Elisabetta Marino. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.
---. “Borrowed Visions:American Indian and Anglo American Uses of Each Other’s Visions.” Journal of the West Vol. 46. No.4 Fall 2007: 48-55.
---. “Japanese Immigration and Japanese Internment as Reflected in the Works of Japanese- American Authors.” Journal of American Studies of Turkey 21 Spring 2005: 53-64.
---. “Are American Indians Environmentalists or Ecoterrorists?” Nature’s Nation Revisited: American Concepts of Nature from Wonder to Ecological Crisis. Eds. Hans Bak and Walter Höbling. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2003.
Selected Presentations:
Tanrısal, Meldan. “L’umore degl’indiani:L’umore dell’indiano stoico.” University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy, Nov.16, 2016.
---.“Creating Art Through Facts: Allberto Urrea’s Works and the US-Mexican Border.” European Association for American Studies Biennial Conference, Constanta, Romania, Apr. 22-25, 2016.
---. “Teaching American Ethnic Texts in Turkey: Challenges and Rewards.” The American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, United States of America, Mar. 26-29, 2015.